Katrina Relief: Relocating Designers
Published 20050905 by Olivier Blanchard | E-mail this post
What a brilliant idea. Seriously.
This rocks.
I expect to see a lot more sites like
this one pop up in the next week or so, so if you run into one, share it with the rest of us. (If you're able, make sure to post links on your blogs and websites to increase their visibility.)
If you can't drive down to the affected areas to help, and if donating food or funds to the relief effort leaves you wishing you could do more, this is a great way to help.
Also check out Greenville, SC-based Brains On Fire's
offer to help displaced creative agencies.
If your powers of observation are as keen as I expect they are, you will also notice the new "I'm Okay" button in the right-hand margin. This will redirect you to a great site that lets you both search for friends and family and leave a message for them. Again, pass it on. Word about resources like these need to spread as fast s possible, so tell everyone you know.
Cool idea !
Isn't it? :)