Career Intensity Branding Microcosms

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Check out these great bits of advice from Dave Lorenzo's Career Intensity blog:

"Deciding: 'Familiarize yourself with common decision-making errors—such as going along with a group choice to maintain cohesion. Watch for tendencies within yourself to commit such errors.'

Leaders make bold decisions. They see them through, and if they aren’t working out, they make new decisions. The worst thing you can do for your career is make no choices or let your choices be made for you. Taking a passive approach to your goals is unlikely to result in success. Even if you make a bad decision, it’s better to mess up and learn from it than to remain stagnant. Failures are great opportunities to learn more about yourself and the world. Move ahead by choosing wisely and boldly."

(If you're asking yourself... yeah, cool career advice, but... what does this have to do with branding, hold on. I'm getting to it.)

"It takes someone who believes in herself and her ideas to challenge the status quo. These are the people who shake things up and change them for the better. You don’t have to be contentious to challenge. The best way to suggest changes is not to bash the old ways, but to offer new and positive ideas.

If you are part of a team working on a project that you believe could be going more smoothly, step up and present your ideas. Most likely, everyone will be excited to approach the work from a new angle. And you will begin to earn a reputation for innovation."

Still not catching on? Okay... Let's try one more:

"In the famous words of Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”.

What separates the dazzling winners from everyone else is that they are able to envision a grand future. What turns them into winners is that they are able to leap into that future and do the hard work necessary to make it great.

Particularly for die-hard realists and people who have been trained (by parents, friends, or spouse) to be 'responsible' and 'stable', indulging in imagination can be difficult. For every idea that’s even mildly revolutionary, a little voice chimes in, 'Impossible. You can’t do that. That’s stupid. It’ll never work.' Quiet that voice and spend some time ruminating on your wild, far-out, fanciful ideas. Great leader do things that no one before them has done."

Still no? Tsssk... Okay. I'll give you a hint: Substitute "brand" for "career". Everything that Dave so brilliantly recommends is exactly the kind of advice that you can put to good use in building strong brands - from 'brand you' to the next retail darling, iconic consumer good or dazzling web application.

Brands aren't built in a vacuum. They aren't built by functionaries. They do not thrive in stagnant bureaucracies. Brands are built by empowered visionaries. Brands are built on enthusiasm, conviction, and courage... Or they are doomed from the start.

You are the heart and soul of the brand you represent and serve. If you want your brand to be a market leader, you must be a leader in your job as well. Your qualities are your brand's attributes. Your weaknesses are its flaws. Everything you are, everything you do, affects its success and future.

So... don't ever let anyone turn you into a tool. Challenge everything. Question every assumption. Wage war on routine and bureaucracy. Accept no compromise...

... and read Dave's blog. It's a good one.

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photo by Chris Wray McCann.

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