Blogging from Varnex this week.

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Welcome to travel week #37. I'm actually in the office today and tomorrow, but getting everything ready for Varnex 2008 v.1 in San Antonio, TX... which is kind of why the blogging has been a little bit light lately. (Sorry, being all corporate and whatnot, making sure my unit hits its numbers and all that.)

I plan to blog from Varnex both here on the BrandBuilder and the Microsoft Sherpa blog, so stay tuned. (Expect at least one blog post here to be about my air travel adventures - as usual.)

And to help things along, I've added a little tool to my travel kit:

As much as I love my Canon SLR's with their GIANT 2.8 lenses, they're kind of a drag to carry around on business trips, what with the extra bag and whatnot. The G9 is pretty tight for several reasons: 1) 12.1 megapixels. 2) It shoots jpg and RAW. 3) f2.8 lens. (Oh yeah.) 4) Full manual mode, exactly like a pro-level SLR: Manual control of the shutter speed and ISO. 5) Even with all that, it still fits in your pocket.


If I have time later today, I will tell you all about my triple-sorry experience with circuit City this weekend. It was so bad, I almost feel bad for them. (If anything, almost everyone there was at least friendly, but man, do they need process improvements.) Stay tuned.

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