Fixing Death by Powerpoint: The Presentation
Published 20080410 by Olivier Blanchard | E-mail this post
I guess I've always been a decent communicator. Not great, but occasionally good, and most of the time decent. One area that I could improve upon is my powerpoint design skills. Sure, I can present just about anything well with the help of powerpoint, but actually DESIGNING a presentation (slides, content, narrative, etc.) in such a way as to captivate, engage and delight... eh, not so much. Just like many of you, I have mostly settled for creating slides that presented data and organized talking points with bullets.
And yes, I am guilty of using mostly "approved" backgrounds, when I should instead work on creating one effective and kickass slide after the other.
All of this is in the process of changing. I have started creating and filing what will someday become a pretty hefty collection of ready-to-use Powerpoint silver bullets. The goal: cut my powerpoint design times down to almost nothing while producing cool, sticky presentations.
Well... that's the goal anyway.
Good stuff. (And yes, I dig Slideshare a lot.)
Labels: communication, powerpoint, presentation, presenting
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