I Twitter, you twitter, we twitter.

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I finally started using twitter today, and I am pretty psyched about it.

If you're one of the 6% of adult internet users currently microblogging (using twitter) to keep tabs on your friends and colleagues, put your seemingly time-wasting hobby to good use - or at least come up with a better justification for your twitter habit at work:

You - "Twitter? Yeah! I use it all the time! It's a great research tool!"
Your boss - "Really? A research tool?"
You - "Suuuuuure! One can find out all sorts of things thanks to twitter, if they are so inclined."

Enter tweetscan.com (the twitter ap that turns your geeky and questionable tweeter addiction into a pretty kickass "out of the box" initiative that will make you the envy of your cubiclemates).

If you want to find out what people are saying about ANYTHING, hit tweetscan and enter your keyword in the search box. Try it. Throw your name in there. Throw your company's name in there too. Find out what people are saying about anything at all. Your new product. The airline you want to book a flight with. Your kids' top 3 college picks. A restaurant you've been wanting to try. A new movie. Your latest customer program.

It's very cool, pretty effective, and best of all, it's free.

And fresh.

And they didn't call it twitscan... which is a very good thing.

Via Church of the Customer.

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