I never thought I would ever hear myself say this, but...
Published 20070419 by Olivier Blanchard | E-mail this post
Hear ye, hear ye...
F360 is completely, utterly, desperately booked
solid for the next few months. New clients, new projects, insane deadlines... There's only so much we can handle after all.
It's a great thing, but it also means that we will not be taking on any new clients or projects until at least July. We could, but the outcome would be either a) total creative burnout or b) a notable drop in the quality of our work. Or some combination of both.
And we're just not ready to make these types of compromises.
Dry your tears, grasshopper. It's only a few months, and we'll let everyone know when we open the books again. ;)
Thanks to everyone for what is truly shaping up to be an incredible year for F360.
And a crazy one at that.
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