The functions of a Marketing Department

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Via BrandXpress -

Rob Engelman was recently asked what a Marketing Department should be responsible for. His answer came as a list:
1. Focus on the Customer
2. Monitor the Competition
3. Own the Brand.
4. Find & Direct Outside Vendors.
5. Create New Ideas.
6. Communicate Internally.
7. Manage a Budget.
8. Understand the ROI.
9. Set the Strategy, Plan the Attack, and Execute.
Because we like to focus on brand stuff, here's what Rob has to say about #3:
"The perceptions and feelings formed about an organization, its products / services, and its performance is what is known as its “brand.” The Marketing Department is responsible for creating meaningful messages through words, ideas, images, and names that deliver upon the promises / benefits an organization wishes to make with its customers. Furthermore, the Marketing Department is responsible for ensuring that messages and images are delivered consistently, by every member of the organization."
Not a bad start. And for the most part, yes, he is right.

Read the rest of Rob's points here.

Rob's list is a great first step for any marketing department that finds itself needing to define its functions clearly. Let's take it one step further though, with this second list, which should best serve marketing departments that have already accomplished all nine of Rob's recommendations and are looking for the next step in their evolution:
1. Befriend your customers.
2. Become your market. (Don't just monitor the competition. Rewrite the rules. Set the pace. Lead. Outdistance your competition. Make them copy you. Force them to up their game.)
3. Breathe your brand.
4. Recruit and direct outside vendors.
5. Foster Innovation.
6. Simplify your internal communications. Then simplify them again. And again. And again.
7. Strategize as if your budget had been slashed in half. Deliver as if your budget had been twice what it actually is.
8. Make your ROI completely clear to your clients and everyone in your organization.
9. Observe, adapt, strategize, anticipate, plan, execute. ... and be ready to improvise at a moment's notice.

Walk before you run, grasshopper.


More on execution tomorrow.

Have a great Thursday, everyone.

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