I am registered for Innoventure 2007, and it feels pretty darn good.

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It's official: I'll be attending Innoventure 2007 on March 27 and 28. (I'm pretty excited about it.) Muchas gracias to the fine, brilliant and pretty darned dapper hombres at Orange Coat for inviting me and making it really easy for me to register today.
InnoVenture is an annual conference of innovators and entrepreneurs building personal relationships to enhance products sold to existing customers, improve the productivity of existing processes, or create new markets

In the 50,000 square feet Innovation Hall, trade show style innovation displays highlight opportunities for collaboration

Who Should Attend?

* Innovators in large organizations seeking expertise and resources to grow revenue or enhance productivity
* Entrepreneurs leading high-impact companies in the Southeastern Innovation Corridor.
* Researchers and inventors seeking business partners
* Venture capitalists and angel investors seeking investment in high-impact companies in the Corridor
* Experts and professional service providers seeking to do business with companies commercializing game changing innovations
See? Pretty cool stuff.

The main site is here. Go check it out. Oh, and don't forget to visit the event's blog, (which is really John Warner's Swamp Fox blog) here.

The weather is super nice here, so I'm going out for a run. Have a great Tuesday evening, everyone. :)


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