July 17th: India bans access to blogs.
Published 20060717 by Olivier Blanchard | E-mail this post 

Just in case you hadn't heard about this yet, fellow
Corantonaut Francois Gossieaux gives us
a scary heads up about the sudden blog access ban in India. (Yep, today, India closed access to Blogger, Typepad, and Geocities in the name of "fight against terrorism.")
Per Francois:
Maybe India should just ban the internet altogether. And cell phones as well. Why not ban mail while they're at it?
Screw it. Just ban fire. It's what started this whole mess anyway.
Gautam Gosh, a respected blogger and HR Professional in India is still able to access his Wordpress account, but perhaps not for long. Check for updates there. Maybe this nonsense will go away in a few days.
In related news...Technorati Tags: India, Blogger ban, India bans blogs, censorship, India restricts access to blogs, blog access restriction
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