Re-Branding: What did I just say?

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Didn't we just discuss re-branding?


Read two great little articles on AT&T's latest little exercise in futility here and here.

Also, if you're interested in the evolution of the at&t (formerly AT&T) logo, check out this little chart. Lastly, for the telecom giant's reasoning behind the whole thing, go here.


"The new logo reinvigorates the AT&T globe — one of the most recognized corporate symbols in the world. The new globe is three-dimensional, representing the expanding breadth and depth of services that the new AT&T family of companies provides to customers, as well as its global presence."


Tip: When you already have one of the most recognized corporate symbols in the world, don't just change it because... you think it needs to be more three-dimensional... or more appealing to a younger crowd. Your logo wasn't the problem, AT&T. It's probably the only thing about your organization that needed to be left untouched. Tsk...

So who's next? Nike? Adidas? Coca Cola? Mattel? Sony? Volkswagen? Land Rover? Starbucks?

Let's hope not.

2 Responses to “Re-Branding: What did I just say?”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Ok, I gave my "turkey award" to the retail industry on my blog today. But I now think these guys deserve it more.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great post. A reminder to us all that branding is more than graphics. And, wouldn't it be nice if AT&T would actually fix some of the things about its brand that need fixing? Probably not going to happen, but it's a nice thought and I'm not sure why it's so obscure to grasp.

    Perhaps you'd consider giving us a list of tips on things to consider when "rebranding" that dig deeper than the superficial?

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