I could be completely wrong about this, but I doubt that the guys who came up with this product were sitting at a desk doing busy-work when the idea popped into their heads.
More often than not, inspiration and brilliant ideas do come from those precious zen moments when work stops being "work" and shifts into more of a "play" mode. Tim and Natalie, over at
Simple + Loveable, call it "focused relaxation." I kind of like that, though I am starting to grow fond of the oxymoronic and slightly Orwellian "Workplay."
What's interesting about
Reef's marketing strategy is that the bottle-opener feature at the bottom of the sandals is hardly mentioned at all, even though it is the most remarkable feature of an otherwise cool but classic looking piece of leisure footwear (or
business casual footwear, if you're... well,
Bear). Heck, it could hardly be any more subtle. This kind of qualifies as what is often referred to as a 'free prize.' Per John:
"In the marketing world, a 'Free Prize' is the added bonus of a product/service which give us something to talk about. For example, the Chrysler Sebring comes with cup holders that keep drinks hot or cold. These temperature controlled cup holders are not the first reason someone would buy a Sebring, but they are probably the first reason why someone tells others about their new Sebring. Dig? Credit Seth Godin for the "Free Prize" concept."
Hat tip to John Moore @
Brand Autopsy for digging this one up.
PS: In the world of bottle-opener fashion, I tend to be more partial to belt-buckle bottle openers, but this is still a neat, WOM-worthy idea that kind of makes you wonder... "hmmm, why didn't
I think of that".
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