"All existing business models are wrong. Find a new one."
Published 20060727 by Olivier Blanchard | E-mail this post
The question: "So... if F360 were to buy an ad in the yellow pages, under what category would it fall?"
The answer: "There isn't really a category for us yet."
Gaping Void, via... well,
Gaping Void:
Rule #11: Don't try to stand out from the crowd; avoid crowds altogether.
Your plan for getting your work out there has to be as original as the actual work, perhaps even more so. The work has to create a totally new market. There's no point trying to do the same thing as 250,000 other young hopefuls, waiting for a miracle. All existing business models are wrong. Find a new one.
Two words: Boo-yah.
Technorati Tags: Hugh McLeod, Gaping Void,business models, F360 photo, marketing, yellow pages, advertising, photography
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