If you spend any amount of time on a bike (and by a "bike", I mean a bicycle), you know that even the best wheels get a little out of true over time (as in "wobbly"). At first, you can just tighten or losen the spokes a bit, but eventually, somebody comes out with a faster, lighter, stronger, better wheel so you don't have to.
It's still round, it does the same thing the old wheel did, but it does it better.
Don't think of it as "reinventing" the wheel, but as simply improving it. It's called progress. It isn't to say that your old wheel is obsolete. If you like it better, if it brings you comfort, that's great. Hold on to it. There's nothing wrong with being old school. Quite the contrary. It's very endearing.
The way I see it, there's something to be said for a system that's been steadily driving you forward at your own pace for ten, thirty, even fifty years.
Steel vs. Carbon fiber.
Round spokes vs. bladed spokes.
Strength vs. aerodynamics.
If that wheel was good enough for Eddy Merckx, it ought to be good enough for you.
Yep, there's something to be said for nostalgia.
But you know... the guys who spent ten years working on the next wheel and the next wheel and the next wheel, they aren't just out to change the original design just for the hell of it. They're passionate about their work. They aren't slaving over every minute detail because of ego or market pressures or boredom. They're just trying to build a better wheel.
More importantly, they're trying to build a better wheel for you.
For me.
For everyone.
this might just be a much better wheel than the ones we've been using:
The wheel: Your Marketing Department
The Hub: Your CMO
The new spokes:
The Brand Operator
The Connections Planner
The Creative Leader
The Customers Experts
The Investment Analyst
The Independent Advisor
You don't have to like it. You don't have to buy it. But you should at least check it out... maybe take it out for a spin. You might be surprised.
Food for thought.
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